Violet Ice Cream
285ml double cream
285ml semi skimmed milk (or skimmed if you prefer)
150ml violet syrup (available from confisserie florian or by Morin syrups or if like me you find lots of violets you can make your own - a handful of violet petals, 200grams sugar and 200ml of water simmered over a gentle heat until syrupy and then strained)
50grams of crystallised violets
Simmer the cream and milk in a pan over a gentle heat until the mixture has thickened and gone a golden yellow colour. This should take approximately 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the violet syrup which will sweeten the cream. Leave to cool completely. Churn the ice cream in an ice cream maker (or place in a tupperware box in the freezer and whisk every 30 minutes to add air until the mixture is frozen). When the mixture is almost frozen add the crystalised violets which add a nice crunchy texture to the ice cream. I used small ramekins for my icecream, turning them out to serve, drizzled with some violet syrup and some home made crystallised violet flowers.
I'm so intrigued by your use of violets as flavoring. My only experience with "violets" are these odd little candies that I remember from my childhood. I know they still make them, but I haven't had them in years. Not sure if they really even tasted like violets or not?
Have you ever had these?
Mmm...I bet it's gorgeous and fairy like. Somehow I always associate the taste of violets with fairies and ethereal worlds unseen yet all around us. Milhan has me thinking of violet candies now...must go get some. I, too, am not sure if they taste like violets, but like to think that they do. :-)
It is soooo misty out there today - a bit difficult to imagine to have ice cream on a plate, but it looks so pretty I must try it sometime. Thanks again Hannah!
I love Parma Violets, can you find creative ways of using these?
Hi Hannah
Your blog is lovely, its great to find someone else who is obsessed about floral cooking as I am.
This recipe looks great.
Vi xx
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