I decorated my "Easter tree" yesterday - I love Easter almost as much as I love Christmas. I have an Easter wreath on our front door (I'm sure our neighbours must think that I am mad!) and the garden is finally beginning to come to life again.
It is a good time for me as there are so many delicious things to bake and I am looking forward to baking each evening this week - Hot Cross Buns, Simnel Cake, Easter nests and biscuits. Lovely!
I am also busy making Easter bags filled with Easter eggs for everyone we know. I do these every year and if people return the little fabric bag they get it refilled the following year!
Hi Hannah, I love Easter too, and I am sure your neighbours won't think you're mad - how can they, as Easter & Easter decorations are so nice!!
I know we (the readers) are not really supposed to request recipes...but since it's Easter, do you have a good recipe for Hot Cross Buns perhaps?
If you would have time to post the recipe, I for one would be delighted. If not - not to worry, I enjoy reading your blog and the recipes anyway.
Thank you,
Love, Erica (in The Netherlands)
Hello Hannah,
I've been reading your blog for the past few weeks now, and although I LOVE the recipes, it's also really lovely to have a little insight into your 'world', it makes your blog stand out from the normal 'food bloggers' it's much more interesting and rounded.
I also have an Easter tree; but mine is in my garden and I don't decorate it until Easter Saturday... I add little chocolate eggs to all the branches and then I invite all the children from my village to come and pick off the eggs (touch wood I've never had a naughty child try to grab them all yet!!).
Take care,
Thanks Edna - I love the idea of your Easter tree in the garden and will be doing that next year!
Eric - Hot Cross Bun recipe will be coming tomorrow as I have made some this evening!
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